The Internet on Your Terms

Bringing Your Infrastructure Home

LAD combines the infrastructure you need in one, neat package. Just connect to the Internet and you have networking, communications and security infrastructures at your fingertips. The extra features, including monitoring, domain filtering and packet capture, make it something you have never had before. You need never fear your computers sharing a network with a settop box, printer or smart dishwasher, because LAD isolates them all from each other, so none can share malware or other 'ware with the others.

When your infrastructure is in the cloud you are just a consumer, among the herd fighting to be heard. Bring your infrastructure home and you become king of the castle once more.

LAD Delivers the Internet, on Your Terms

The Internet: it's everywhere and used for everything. It is a great tool for moving data packets from Point A to Point B. To make the Internet a great tool for your needs, however, requires you to move a lot of equipment from Point A to Point B ... and then make it all work together. You know there is someone out there who can make it all work, and now that someone could be you. LAD efficiently combines the tools you need to make the Internet work for you, on your terms — no more imaginary cloud or one-size-fits-all hosted services over which you have no control.

LAD is a feature-rich commercial grade system with superior data handling capabilities and robust features that make it an indispensable tool for networking and communications — essential for for making things work, with security, surveillance and privacy to boot. Load it onto an an old computer or get a pint-size fanless computer with four to six Ethernet ports and you are ready to bring back control over your data and communications (click here for hardware recommendations). Most importantly, it is designed to be ready to use immediately after deployment, utilizing as much automation as practicably possible, yet remaining flexible, giving you the option to adjust the parameters to fit your circumstances and fine-tune it to your goals.

And that is it, in a nutshell. Download it, take a look around and join our network.

Price-wise, feature-wise and management-wise, LAD offers great benefits to a wide variety of users, from business to home environments.

LAD for VoIP LAD for Security LAD for Networking LAD for Business LAD for Home